Two Women at the Park


The prompt for this writing was: take a walk though the park out front of the OHSU Health and Healing Center. Note things that catch your attention. Then return to our writing room and choose one topic to write about.

This is what I wrote:

“I feel so lonely since your father died,” Mabel said to Crystal.

They were seated at the park across the street from the Mirabella, Portland’s up-scale retirement highrise.

Crystal furrowed her brow as she sensed the sadness in her Mother’s simple statement.

“Yes, Raymond was such a good companion for you, even at the end. It makes sense that you would feel lost without him.”

They sat apart, in the bright spring sunlight, suggesting two independent single women of different generations on cordial, but not intimate, terms.

Crystal is slender, tanned, and classy in her casual clothes. Mabel is pale and wrinkled, suggesting too much time sitting by herself in her high-rise living center.

“I wish you lived closer, dear. I do so enjoy these moments in the sun, just sitting outdoors like we used to on summer vacation in Neskowin. Would you ever consider moving back to Portland?”